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The Camden Church is a loving, warm, and affectionate congregation that is dedicated to serving God and people.  We believe that every person needs to develop a powerful relationship with God in order to be the best and strongest versions of themselves.  We believe in bearing fruit by helping others become productive in their lives spiritually and personally.


Here at the Camden Church of Christ we believe that you can only be a stranger with us once – the first time you walk in the doors.  After that you’re a friend.  We pride ourselves on welcoming everyone to come and fellowship with us.  Worship with us and then enjoy a great fellowship, food included.


We hope that you feel welcome in your visiting one of our Sunday and/or Wednesday services.  We would love for you to get connected and grow in your walk with God by connecting with Him in obedience, developing in His Word to help you grow personally, and then finding a ministry where you can help others grow as well.

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